martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

Comercio Internacional


Refer to the requirement given in the job description and demonstrate that you meet the requirements. Emphasise on experiences that are relevant for the job.
According to your advertisement, your position requires (skills). These skills I have developed during ... (experience).
I understand the position requires (skills). I ... (details why you meet the requirements).
I recently graduated from (university) with a degree in (field).
Since 2002 / For 2 years I have been working for (company).
Following my training as a (job title), I spent (time) working for (company).
As (current job) for (company), I have developed my skills and experience as (job title)
Prior to my current position, I was working for (company), where I ... (jobs, tasks, skills).
Throughout my career I have acquired a thorough knowledge of ...
I have solid experience in ...
I have more than ... years of ... experience.
My experiences / skills / ... will provide your company with a highly productive (job title).
I have always had a strong interest in ...
I am very competent in ...
I very much enjoy both ... and ...
My experience in (field) have convinced me that (future position) is a career option I would like to explore.
My high degree of motivation has been appreciated by my previous employers.
Thanks to my high degree of motivation I was quickly promoted to positions of greater responsibility.
The enclosed CV / resume elaborates on the details of my skills and experience.

USEFUL PHRASES (with translation to different languages)


Example letter


JOBS in Great Britain


martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Comercio Internacional

    LETERS OF ENQUIRY describe what the writer wants and why. The more unusual the request, the more convincing the reason needs to be.

    Subject Heading

    This should inform the reader that this is an enquiry or request; e.g.
    • Enquiry about Textbooks
    • Request for Brochure
    • Query about Website
    • Question regarding Product Components

    First Paragraph
    This should tell the reader what you want; e.g.
    • Please send me... (for things that the organisation offers to send)
    • I would be grateful if you could tell me... (for things that are not normally offered)
    • I am writing to enquire whether... (to see if something is possible)
    • I would especially like to know... ( + a more detailed request)
    • Could you also... ( + an additional enquiry or request)

    Second Paragraph
    This paragraph tells the reader why you are contacting his or her organisation, and gives further details of the enquiry.
    There are two reasons why you may contact an organisation:
    1. you have contacted this organisation before, and want to again.
    2. you have not contacted this organisation before, but you have heard about them. You should describe from where, such as from an advert or a recommendation; e.g.
      • I saw your advert in the HK Daily on Friday, 16 September 2016.
      • Your company was recommended to me by Ms. Elsie Wong of Far Eastern Logistics.

    Final Paragraph
    This paragraph should contain a polite expression and/or an expression of thanks to the reader. The degree of politeness (and therefore the length), depends on how unusual or difficult your request is. Possible language includes:
    • Thanks. (For a very informal and normal enquiry or request)
    • I look forward to hearing from you.
    • I am looking forward to hearing from you.
    • Thank you for your assistance.
    • Thank you very much for your kind assistance.
    • I appreciate that this is an unusual request, but I would be very grateful for any help you could provide. I look forward to hearing from you.
    If you think the reader might have further questions, you can suggest that he or she contact you; e.g. 'If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me'.

    Example letters and practice

      Acknowledging receipt of an enquiry/request
      - Thank you for your letter of … regarding / concerning / in connection with …
      - I refer to your enquiry about / relating to …
      - I have received your letter of … requesting information about …

      Explaining action taken as a consequence of the enquiry
      - I have (reviewed our available stock) …
      - We held a meeting on 21 January to discuss possible solutions.
      - I have checked/looked into/investigated (the possible approaches) …

      Making suggestions / justifying recommendations / pointing out pros and cons / hedging 
      - The best choice would be … since …
      - I highly recommend … as / due to the fact that …
      - … would probably be more suitable because …
      - … seems to suit you better although …
      - Perhaps you should choose … even though …
      - I suggest that you (should) choose …
      - I recommend this item since …
      - In view of the fact that …, I would strongly recommend … as …

      Apologising and rejecting proposals
      - While I appreciate your firm’s need for this information, I regret that …
      - It will not be possible to … for legal reasons. We are bound to …
      - Your proposal is of interest to us, and we have had consultations about it.
      - However, we feel that it will not be in our interests to … for reasons of (privacy).
      - We are concerned that …

      Stipulating action requested or to be taken
      - We shall arrange for … by …at the latest.
      - I shall see to it that …
      - Our company will arrange for …

      Establishing goodwill and suggesting contact
      - I hope this suggestion/information will be useful to you.
      - I hope this information will prove useful to you.
      - I hope that this information will help you to make decisions on your order.
      - I look forward to hearing from you.
      - I look forward to receiving your confirmation of …
      - I look forward to doing business with your company in the future …
      - Please feel free to contact me again if you have any further queries on …
      - Do contact me on 27615432 if you need further information.
      - Please do not hesitate to contact me on 27615432 if I can be of further assistance.

      Example letters AND PRACTICE

Comercio Internacional

Vocabulary Unit 14 In Company

Passive Use

Passive Exercise

Passive Questions

Irregular Verbs List

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

1st Bachillerato Projects

During this academic year, you'll have the opportunity to do some interesting projects for your English class, some obligatory and others optional. These optional projects can give you up to 0.50 points to be added to your trimester mark. Check this entry from time to time.

And here is your Unit 1 compulsory project:

Make a short film about important people in your life using your mobile phone. Do you remember Jake's video?

Date of delivery: 17th October 

To be handed over on a USB flash drive or my email address.

Count on me - First Conditional